Volta Releases an Even Newer Backup and Recovery Solution for AIX

Are you still backing up and storing your data on dozens of tapes and transporting them off-site or storing them in a safe somewhere? Have you ever tried to read that data and found out that you had bad tapes or a defective tape drive?
Say goodbye to yesterday’s temperamental technology and welcome in the future today. Now you can store your AIX backups directly to the cloud!
I’m sure that your first instinctive reaction will be … “what about security?” Well, we all know that our data can be persistently in the cloud, but we’re also very much aware of all the potential problems with unauthorized access. Although we have a high degree of comfort that your singular access can be assured, we built in strong encryption so that your data is totally secured before it is sent over the network to the cloud. The default encryption method is AES-256-CBC, but this can be customized to almost any method you desire. The data is totally useless to anyone, except you, of course, who generates your own 1024 bit RSA symmetric key that is used to encrypt and decrypt the data.
Currently, any cloud using object storage with SWIFT API, such as SoftLayer, is supported. We are considering adding Amazon S3 support, if demand warrants.
The solution is feature rich and robust.
Solution Highlights:
- Automated periodic rootvg (mksysb) backups.
- Automated daily data volume group backups.
- Robust interactive menu system allows you to:
- Create mksysb backups on demand
- Create data backups on demand
- Set a multitude of defaults, including scheduling and frequency of automated backups
- View backup logs
- View output of backup processes
- Manage the Objects stored in the cloud
- Manage the Images retrieved from the cloud: Compress / Decompress images, Encrypt /
- Decrypt images
- Restore mksysb image to disk
- Then restore volume group to disk
- Restore individual files or directories from images to disk
- Create a recovery tools package for “from scratch” recovery.
- … and much more
Most importantly, we wanted to build a solution that works for you, both economically and business wise. That is why we came up with a simple pricing and support structure. There are additional expenses that your cloud vendor will charge for the storage and bandwidth that you require.
Another benefit is that you will also have direct input into the development process. We will make every effort to incorporate your needs or suggestions into future versions of the product.
Volta’s Backup and Recovery Solution for AIX eliminates the problems you used to have with tape archives. You can now backup directly to the cloud for safe and reliable storage of your backups.
The Solution requires AIX to be at or above the following levels:
AIX 61 TL9 SP6
AIX 71 TL4
AIX 72
If a conversation about this solution interests you, please contact us.