The never-ending cybersecurity journey.

The cyclical nature of cybersecurity is driven by the ongoing arms race between those seeking to exploit vulnerabilities and those working tirelessly to defend against them. Hackers will always find new ways to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, which is precisely why “100% security” is an impossible goal.
The only constant in the IT industry is change, and the rapid pace of technology development is a major contributor to the cyber threat landscape. As the complexity and variety of IT systems and applications increase, so do attack surfaces. Additionally, modern business strategies that encourage storing massive amounts of data, must reconcile with the risk those strategies create.
A shared responsibility.
Organizations of all types and sizes are relying on technology more than ever before. Every online professional is responsible for the safety of their organization’s data. Cybersecurity teams take that responsibility a step further by staying on top of the most effective strategies to safeguard against attacks. Managing risk for an enterprise requires continuous review, improvement and investment.
Without a doubt, the nature of cybersecurity is ongoing. That fact has produced some common analogies within the IT industry. Some people call it the cyber loop or the cyber cycle. At Volta, we like to think of cybersecurity as a never-ending journey. Although we’re more optimistic than Sisyphean, we realize that for many organizations, every new strategy can feel like a heavy rock they have to roll uphill, and every threat can feel like a mole they have to WHACK.
We’re all in the same boat.
Perhaps it’s comforting to know that everyone in our industry plays a constant game of catch up when it comes to cybersecurity. That was true a decade ago, it’s true today, and it will likely be true tomorrow. All you can do is keep improving; keep jumping into the game from different angles and entry points. There is no end. There is no destination. Those philosophical truths keep some people excited about this industry, but it’s also unfortunately the cause of burn out among IT professionals. Volta seeks to make the cybersecurity journey as digestible and painless as possible. After all, security is not the enemy. Organizations should feel supported by their security practice, not dragged down by it.
Listen to Jeff Jarecki’s take on security as a journey and download our journey map to see how we break down the security practice into 5 major segments: Design, Respond, Assess, Manage and Comply. A strong security practice requires ongoing attention. This map attempts to get you thinking about the sections of your strategy that need that attention. Don’t skip the interactive version of the cybersecurity journey. Visit the page below.

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